Rahul Chandna

Kerberos in apache 2.2 Required modules mod_auth_kerb Add below in VirtualHost file <VirtualHost local-dev-environment.domain:443> <Location /> Auth Name "A...

Verify that below details actually generate a kerberos ticket Domain Name : dummydomain Service Account Name : myserviceaccount Service Account Password : afk1K2##$#dlkajsf Get k...

Generating keytab Generating keytab using the below information Domain Name : dummydomain Service Account Name : myserviceaccount Service Account Password : afk1K2##$#dlkajsf On Win...

Add HTTP principal to service account If the below microsoft official document feels complicated, then scroll down. Source Definition of SPN An SPN is the name by which ...

Request for service account Source A service account is a user account that is created explicitly to provide a security context for services running on Windows Server operating systems....

Call target from pom.xml <configuration> <target> <ant antfile="${basedir}/build.xml"> <target name="deploy" /> </ant> </ta...

Call target from pom.xml <configuration> <target> <ant antfile="${basedir}/build.xml"> <target name="app-house-keeping" /> </ant> ...

Call target from pom.xml <configuration> <target> <ant antfile="${basedir}/build.xml"> <target name="deploy" /> </ant> </ta...

Call target from pom.xml <configuration> <target> <ant antfile="${basedir}/build.xml"> <target name="deploy" /> </ant> </ta...

Script to disable logging <script language="javascript"> var logger = project.getBuildListeners( ).firstElement( ); logger.setMessageOutputLevel( 0 ); </script> Call t...