Rahul Chandna

To make Soapui aware of custom certs Find the current version of Soapui $ cd /Applications $ ls -lrt SoapUI* $ # this will give you the currently installed Soapui Add jssecacerts to the Soa...

if you want to add htop command as an executable/clickable item in menu First make sure htop is installed $ sudo apt install htop $ # create a new file $ touch /usr/share/applications/htop....

Create an empty file with .sh extension $ touch Use your favourite editor add a method to the file $ vi #!/bin/bash function loop_on_user_input(){ for input in ${1...

Create an empty file with .sh extension $ touch Use your favourite editor add a method to the file $ vi #!/bin/bash function loop_on_user_input(){ for input in ${1...

To update nemo left hand menu bookmarks I added desktop as a bookmark twice and was unable to remove it via nemo file explorer GUI. So, I updated the configuration by editing the nemo bookmarks f...

Create an empty file with .sh extension $ touch Use your favourite editor add a method to the file $ vi #!/bin/bash function no_input(){ echo "hello world" } "$@"...

Base64 encode a string $ echo "bla" | base64 YmxhCg== Base64 decode a string $ echo "YmxhCg==" | base64 -d bla Base 64 encode file text $ touch test $ echo "hello" > test...

Checkout code from svn $ svn co --non-interactive --no-auth-cache --username SVN_USER_NAME --password SVN_PASSWORD . ...

Configuring java servlet for kerberos authentication Domain Name : dummydomain Service Account Name : myserviceaccount Service Account Password : afk1K2##$#dlkajsf SPNEGO SourceForg...

Print json $ echo '{"bla":"bla"}' | jq '.' { "bla": "bla" } Filter json $ echo '{"bla":"bla","blaa":"blaa"}' | jq '{"bla"}' { "bla": "bla" }