Rahul Chandna

Specify response format in file $ vi responseFormat time_namelookup: %{time_namelookup}s\n time_connect: %{time_connect}s\n time_appconnect: %{time_appconnect}s\n ti...

Scala Download Extract the tgz file using any archive utility. Now go to the bin directory in extracted scala folder and type scala (windows) or ./scala (linux/cygwin). You will see something...

I was using Java 6 for developing java applet. Since applet jar file has to be signed before deploying it on the server. I created a self signed keystore. The applet was working fine with java 6....

On Ubuntu 13.10 when I safely remove my usb hard disk, I have to wait for a few minutes for the hard disk to stop spinning. After checking Ubuntu forums I found a program called “udisks” To use t...

I am currently using ubuntu 13.10. This post is to explain how to install and run f.lux for Linux. f.lux site explains the installation process using apt-get install. sudo add-apt-repository ppa...

Converting xsd to java is easy using maven “jaxb2-maven-plugin”. This plugin usage example is also present on below maven site jaxb2-maven-plugin usage The below example is for generating java c...

Watch Explanation on YouTube How to use maven antrun plugin to create directory in target folder Creating a directory in maven target folder can be achieved by using “maven-antrun-plugin”. This ...

I use Linux Mint as my default OS. I use jboss and apache for my development. But I don’t enjoy using default start up and shut down scripts since their process gets attached to the terminal I us...

Login as user for which you are setting .ssh $ ls -lrta drwx------ 2 user user 29 Aug 01 06:20 .ssh $ #make sure the permisions are same as above else execute the below command to make ...

curl $ curl --insecure --silent --output /dev/null --show-error Use –insecure only if you trust the endpoint as curl will ignore any ssl errors –silent...