Rahul Chandna

When starting with chef-solo it is best to practise it on a virtual machine. A virtual machine gives us freedom to gets our hands dirty without creating a mess on the actual computer. The virtual...

To view entire dependency tree $ mvn dependency:tree To filter or look for a specific dependency $ mvn dependency:tree | grep jsr311

Maven run install but skip tests To run maven install command, which will compile and install compiled dependencies in local .m2 folder: $ mvn install To run maven install command but sk...

Watch Explanation on YouTube How to save website https certificate the nerdy way using openssl Link URL : To view a website certificate chain openssl s_client -...

To add pem or X.509 cert to java keystore keytool -import -alias corporate_proxy -file ~/Downloads/proxy.pem -keystore jssecacerts or keytool -import -alias corporate_proxy -file ~/Download...

Create tables create table CLIENT_TABLE_OLD( CLIENTID number(19) ); create table CLIENT_TABLE_NEW( CLIENTID number(19) primary key ); insert data into tables insert into CLIENT...

Create tables create table CLIENT_TABLE_OLD( CLIENTID number(19) ); create table CLIENT_TABLE_NEW( CLIENTID number(19) primary key ); insert data into tables insert into CLIENT...

Create tables create table CLIENT_TABLE_OLD( CLIENTID number(19) ); create table CLIENT_TABLE_NEW( CLIENTID number(19) primary key ); insert data into tables insert into CLIENT...

Create table create table MESSAGE_ARCHIVE( message varchar2(200) ); insert xml into table insert into MESSAGE_ARCHIVE (message) values ('<message><client><uid>1<...

Setup Create primary or parent table create table CLIENT_TABLE( CLIENTID number(19) primary key ); Create secondary or child table create table CLIENT_PREFERENCES_TABLE( CLIENTI...