Rahul Chandna

loops declare i number; begin i:=0; loop dbms_output.put_line(i); exit when i=5; i:=i+1; end loop; exception when no_data_found then dbms_output.put_line('error'); end; ...

control statement if ,elsif, else, end if declare mrec rahul_emp%rowtype; mempno rahul_emp.EMPNO%type; service_years number; begin mempno:=&empNoInput; select * into mrec from rahu...

%rowtype for complete row into declare mrec rahul_emp%rowtype; begin select * into mrec from rahul_emp where empno=7900; dbms_output.put_line(' the salary of employee '||mrec.ename||' i...

Enable output SET SERVEROUTPUT ON Comments -- single line comment /* multiple line comment */ Setup tables create table rahul_emp as select * from emp create table rahul_dep...

Original Source Setup sample tables Create emp, dept, salgrade Drop tables to start fresh drop table emp; drop table dept; drop table salgrade; create table emp CREATE...

To add pem or X.509 cert to java keystore $ keytool -import -alias corporate_proxy -file proxy.pem -keystore jssecacerts $ keytool -import -alias corporate_proxy -file proxy.crt -keystore js...

Test Cookbook Now to test the changes execute on command line cd c:\testBox vagrant up Once the virtual machine is up and running, open your web browser and enter the below URL. localhos...

Forwarding Port Now since apache will run inside the guest operating system, so we will have to forward the apache ports to the host operating system. What this means is that inside the guest...

Installing/Updating chef-solo If you downloaded the Ubuntu image that I mentioned then that image comes preinstalled with chef-solo. In case you still want to install or update chef-solo then...

Login to Guest Box You can login to the guest box using vagrant or ssh client example putty. Via vagrant command Execute form the same folder location that we were in $ vagrant ssh This w...