Rahul Chandna

Original Source The English Nut “No words are too good for the cutting-room floor, no idea so fine that it cannot be phrased more succinctly.” ― Merilyn Simonds Examples: RedundantConci...

current date in numeric $ date +%s get all installed patches with date and name in human redable form $ rpm -qa --queryformat '%{installtime} %{installtime:date} %{name}\n' get all...

Original Source The English Nut ‘Very’ “Substitute ‘damn’ every time you’re inclined to write ‘very;’ your editor will delete it and the writing will be just as it should be.” ― Mark Twain ...

Today I noticed something very strange suddenly on of the servers API response time increased from 100 milliseconds to 30 seconds. On deeper analysis it looked like Operating System was blocking p...

Incase of KDE power management not working properly $ sudo /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libexec/org_kde_powerdevil $ plasmapkg2 -i applet-window-title-0.6.0.plasmoid $ plasmapkg2 -r applet-window-t...

I was installing a graphical desktop using taskel when my internet connection dropped, causing installation failure and resulting in “apt-get failed (100)” error. To fix taskel installation fai...

Create a text file with some entries: $ echo "Hello reader, how are you ?. Hope reader is doing well." > test.txt View the contents of the file: $ cat test.txt Hello reader, how are...

Let us assume that there is a table: CLIENT_COMPLAINTS In this table there are two columns: ID, DESCRIPTION By mistake someone captured client sensitive information as part of description whi...

Today I did a local commit ready to be pushed to That is when I realised I also added a scratch file that is used for storing my notes. The steps below show how to resolve the issue. ...

Command to see what is the maximum number of connections that we have pulled so far (spike) $ grep HikariPool-1 system.log.*| grep "cleanup stats" | awk 'BEGIN{FS=",";RS="active="}''{print $1}...