Rahul Chandna

In order avoid using global email address and user name for a specific project. We can override them for a specific project by using the below commands. These local settings are present in any pr...

Let’s say there are two servers, and we need to select the currently active one. Server IP are API to get active endpoint is /api/HA API ...

Let us create a file and add a few entries to it $ # add some data to a file $ echo "123\n456\nabc\ndef\nghi\n" > test.txt $ # view the file contents $ cat test.txt 123 456 abc def ghi $ ...

Watch Explanation on YouTube How to use curl to follow redirect, download a file, retry and accept self signed certificate Link URL : $ curl -L -O -k https://downloa...

wget request with headers –no-check-certificate : to ignore SSL validation errors (use with caution) -O : to print output on console $ wget --no-check-certificate -O - "https://www.sit...

Sample Table Create table DataTable( MainID number(19), SecondaryId number(19), TernaryId varchar2(20) ); Add composite key to the table create unique index DataTable_idx on DataTable (...

sample procedure create or replace procedure proc_truncate_table is begin execute immediate 'truncate table data_table'; end; * calling above procedure from jdbc ```console try (Connection ...

One evening around 5:30 PM, I made my self a cuppa and settled down, for I was about to start refactoring a twenty years old piece of code that I found on the Internet (😉). The number of lines in...

Running DDL like truncate in procedure create or replace procedure proc_truncate_table is begin execute immediate 'truncate table data_table'; end; calling the above procedure CALL pro...

All commands in one file: Oracle_PLSQL