Trying to install software using .dpkg file $ sudo dpkg -i some_software.dpkg .... ... missing dependencies error ... Use apt to automatically install the missing dependencies (updated ...
Save cookies from website to a file $ curl -c cookie-jar.txt; Read cookies from file and send to website $ curl -b cookie-jar.txt
Port scan using nmap Download and install nmap Scan all ports $ nmap localhost Scan specific port $ nmap -p 8080 localhost Scan specific port range $ nmap -p 8080-9090 loca...
Poll an endpoint Using linux terminal we can poll an endpoint by using combination of while loop with wget or curl. We cak ignore the output and print only header Poll an endpoint using w...
Find your partition UUID details $ sudo lsblk -f Create directory to mount windows partition $ sudo mkdir /mnt/windows_drive Check your user uid and gid $ cat /etc/passwd # most...
Linux command exit status Using echo $? to get last executed command exit status $ wget $ echo $? 0 Call a host that does not exists $ wget http://www.dummybla....
Assuming mvn is configured and you want to run install while skipping tests and ignoring any SSL errors. maven force pull artifacts $ mvn -U install maven install but skip tests $ mvn ...
Create file called limits.conf $ touch limits.conf Add limits configuration to the limits.conf Assuming user that you want to increase limits for is called ‘java’ $ echo "java soft nof...
Use pipe to add multiple filter $ echo "1a2b3a" | awk -F 'a|b' '{print $1 " " $2 " " $3}' 1 2 3
Create first file $ vi file1 1 2 3 4 5 Create second file $ vi file2 2 3 34 35 Use comm to find common lines $ comm -12 file1 file2 2 3 Please make sure that data is sorted i...